Privacy policy


This privacy policy (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policy") applies both to the website hosted under the domain name (hereinafter, the "Website") and to the mobile application (the “app”), both owned by PRESSBROKERS, SL, a commercial company whose registered trademark is “bitnovo®” and whose registered office is at 46023-València, at Calle Illa de Sardenya, nº1-bajo, with CIF nº B98346646, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, volume 9,334, folio 18, Inscription 1 with Sheet V-143,975 (hereinafter, indistinctly, “PRESSBROKERS” or “BITNOVO®”); and under any of the subdomains or web pages dependent on it.
In accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, bitnovo® informs the user / s (hereinafter, the "User / s") of the Website and the app about The Privacy Policy that will apply in the treatment of personal data that the User provides when using the services offered on the Website and / or in the app by filling in the forms provided for this purpose in them, as well as in the interactions that you do with bitnovo®.
In order to navigate the Website and the app, it is not necessary for Users to reveal their personal data. However, in certain cases, bitnovo® may require certain data in order to offer you the desired services.
The data provided by the User during the cryptocurrency purchase process or through any type of interaction with bitnovo®, necessarily implies, and without reservations, the knowledge and acceptance of this Privacy Policy, as well as the Conditions of Use, for which Users must validate the box enabled for this purpose in the cryptocurrency purchase process. Therefore, the User is recommended to read these legal texts carefully beforehand.


2.1. Collection of personal data.

Every time the User buys, sells or exchanges cryptocurrencies, exchanges vouchers for cryptocurrencies, and / or recharges their VISA® or MasterCard® prepaid card with legal tender through the Website or our app, participate in a raffle or interact in some way with us, we will collect personal data in order to be able to manage the provision of services required.

The user and owner of the data is informed and gives their unequivocal consent to the incorporation of their data to the following automated files:

  • "Users of Interactive Services" and to the treatment automated and non-automated of the same, being responsible for the file and the bitnovo® treatment. The use and purpose of the treatment is to manage the users who request the services provided by bitnovo® on the Website or in the app.

  • "Billing of Services" and the automated treatment and not automated of the same, being responsible for the file and the bitnovo® treatment. The use and purpose of the treatment is the billing related to the services provided by bitnovo® on the Website or in the app.

  • By completing the following Forms, Users must provide the data listed below, which must be exact and truthful:


  • - CRYPTOCURRENCY CONVERSION Form: FIAT CURRENCY - CRIPTOMCURRENCY (PROCESS OF PURCHASE OF CRYPTOCURRENCY): carry out the provision of the sale service to the user of the cryptocurrency chosen by him. Required data: Registration and verification data, according to KYC Level: tax data, ID photo, selfie, phone number, email address, documentation proving residence and / or origin of funds, as well as virtual wallet and card details or bank account details. If the user acts in the name and on behalf of an entity, with or without legal personality, data and identification documents of said entity will be required.

    - CRYPTOCURRENCY CONVERSION Form: CRIPTOMONEDA - CURRENCY FIAT (CRIPTOMCURRENCY SALE PROCESS) : carry out the provision of the purchase service to the user of the cryptocurrency sold by him. Required data: Registration and KYC data: tax data, ID photo, selfie, phone number, email address, bank account number (IBAN).

    - CRIPTOMONEDA CONVERSION Form: CRIPTOMONEDA-CRIPTOMONEDA (EXCHANGE PROCESS OR SWAP), carry out the provision of the swap service requested by the user. Required data: phone number.

  • VISA® or MASTERCARD® PREPAID CARD REFILL Form: carry out the provision of the payment service by entering the sale price in the account associated with the User's prepaid card, in currency legal tender, of the cryptocurrency sold. Required data: Registration and KYC data: tax data, selfie, ID photo, phone number, email address, data of the card to recharge.

  • EXCHANGE form OF vouchers: carry out the provision of the service of exchanging the vouchers acquired by the user for the cryptocurrency chosen by the user. Required data: Registration and KYC data: tax data, ID photo, selfie, phone number, email address and electronic wallet.

  • Business information request form: INFORMATION SELLER'S PANEL, BITNOVO® ATMS, VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL POS: to carry out the provision of the service of informing the user who owns a business about the conditions of sale of Bitnovo® ATMs, about how to be an authorized seller of redeemable vouchers, or how to collect in cryptocurrency using Bitnovo® technology. Required data: Name, surname, company name, email address, telephone number, province.

  • The personal data provided is absolutely confidential and will only be shared with third-party companies or entities When the management of your request requires it, which will be previously informed and the appropriate consent will be obtained.

    In this sense, users are informed that PRESSBROKERS has outsourced the data verification and validation process required to carry out the identity verification process, which have been mentioned above, by virtue of the contract it has signed with the entity

    Sum And Substance Ltd (UK)

    Data Protection Registration Number: ZA222205.

    Company Registration Number: 09688671.

    Address: 30 St. Mary Ax, London, England, EC3A 8BF.

    The identification data of the natural persons , as well as the photographs sent will be shared with said entity , for the purposes indicated, that, as the entity in charge of carrying out the validation and verification of the data provided, it will report a report validating the identification or, on the contrary, rejecting it.

    For more information:

    All the data requested in the The aforementioned forms must be filled in on a mandatory basis so that bitnovo® can provide the requested service and can contact you and provide support in the management of your request.

    During the processes described, additional economic data may be requested or financial (such as, for example, the number of your credit or debit card or bank account) in order to carry out the execution of the services.

    Bitnovo® may also collect: information about The use by the User of the Website and the app, since when browsing data may be obtained about their IP address, the type of browser, time of access and the addresses of the websites from which the User has accessed, as well What navigation data. Collecting this information allows bitnovo® to adapt the content, the offer and the navigation of each User to improve our services and their experience on the Website and in the app, identify possible fraudulent uses, as well as compile statistics on the use and effectiveness of our Website and app.

    The User, by providing bitnovo® with their personal data, will expressly consent, through the mechanism enabled for this purpose, that bitnovo® may process such data in the terms established herein Privacy Policy, which will constitute the legal basis for its treatment.

    The user will respond, in any case, to the veracity of the data provided at any time, reserving bitnovo® the right to exclude from registered services to any User who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that may be required by Law. The User must notify bitnovo® of any modification that occurs in the data they have provided.

    The data that the User voluntarily provides during the use of our services will be included in a file owned by bitnovo® for processing with the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy. In accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data and, in particular, with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE (hereinafter, "RGPD") is repealed, bitnovo® will keep the corresponding record of personal data processing activities.

    bitnovo® has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, in order to avoid, as far as possible and always according to the state of the art, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

    2.2. Purposes of the treatment.

    bitnovo® may process the personal data of Users for the following purposes:

  • Contracting Products and Services.

  • Purchase of cryptocurrencies: Manage the contracting of products and services offered through the Website and the app, as well as for the management of the contractual relationship between bitnovo® and the Users. During the contracting process, financial data (card or bank account) may be collected in order to communicate them to the entities that manage the collection. Said purpose responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of the legal relationship between the User and bitnovo® that implies the connection of this treatment with third-party files for the fulfillment of the specified purposes.

    Sale of cryptocurrency, exclusive service Clients with a Bank Account (SEPA zone): carry out the purchase of cryptocurrency to the client, manage the contractual relationship between Bitnovo® and the client, issue invoices. During the buying and selling process, personal and financial data (Bank account number (SEPA area)) will be collected in order to carry out the transaction and transfer the funds to the account indicated by the client.

    Recharge Visa® or MasterCard® prepaid card: Carry out the payment service by entering into the account associated with the User's Visa® or MasterCard® prepaid card the sale price, in legal tender, of the cryptocurrency sold.

    Voucher exchange: Carry out the provision of the service of exchanging the vouchers acquired by the User for the cryptocurrency chosen by him.

    Business information: SELLER PANEL INFORMATION, BITNOVO® ATMs, VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL POS: to carry out the provision of the service of informing the user who owns a business about the conditions of sale of Bitnovo® ATMs, about how to be an authorized seller of exchangeable vouchers, or how to charge in cryptocurrency using technology Bitnovo®.
  • Advertising of its own Products and Services: bitnovo® may send its Users commercial communications related to advertising related to the services offered, under the terms established in section 3 of this Privacy Policy.

  • Profiling with external sources: bitnovo® may create profiles based on information provided by third parties through marketing studies, techniques and statistical and segmentation procedures that allow customizing the offer of services appropriate to the characteristics and needs of its Users. Such acceptance will not imply automated decision making.
  • 23. Conservation of the Data.

    bitnovo® informs its Users that their personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes of the treatment for whose use they have been provided, provided that the User has not revoked their consent and, in any case, following the principle of minimization of data contemplated in the applicable regulations.
    In particular, the personal data provided by the Users will be kept for the period determined on the basis of the following criteria: (i) legal obligation of conservation; (ii) duration of the contractual relationship and attention to any responsibilities derived from said relationship; (iii) request for deletion by the interested party in the cases in which it proceeds.
    Consequently, when its use is not necessary, the personal data will be blocked, remaining only at the disposal of the competent authorities for the time and for the legal effects established in the applicable regulations. After this period, they will be eliminated.

    2.4. Rights of the users.

    The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, as well as the limitation and portability of their data, in compliance with the provisions of current data protection regulations. Taking into account that the exercise of the same is very personal, it will be necessary for the affected party to prove her identity. The exercise of these rights must be carried out by means of a written communication signed by the owner of the data, indicating their address, attaching a copy of their National Identity Document or other similar accrediting document, addressing PRESSBROKERS, SL, to the email dpo @, or by sending a written communication to the following postal address: 46023-València, in calle Illa de Sardenya, nº1-bajo.
    Likewise, the User may oppose the sending of commercial communications from bitnovo® and withdraw their consent, without this affecting the legality of the processing of your personal data for other purposes.
    For the proper management of the processing of the personal data of its Users, bitnovo® has appointed a Data Protection Delegate to whom they may go to solve any question they need, being able to contact via email
    bitnovo® informs its Users of the possibility that they have They must file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in case they understand that the correct assistance has not been obtained in the exercise of the rights mentioned in this section.

    2.5. Data shared with third parties.

    The following may access the personal data of the Users: (i) employees authorized by bitnovo®, and (ii) those third parties or collaborators who provide services to bitnovo®, in order to manage the provision of services, as well as to comply with any legal requirements.
    All data is treated with absolute confidentiality, not being accessible to third parties for purposes other than those for which they have been authorized.
    bitnovo® will not share your personal information with any third party -different from the above- without your permission, except in the case of requests for information duly authorized by government authorities or the provisions of any law, regulation, subpoena or court order must be complied with.
    Within the framework of the communications to third parties indicated in the preceding paragraphs, international data transfers may be made to third countries or international organizations, on the that there is an adequacy decision of the European Commission regarding them.

    2.6. Third Party Websites.

    Some of the information published on our Website or on the app may redirect Users to third-party web pages, so that, in the event that the User makes a purchase or registers on said web pages, they will be subject to their respective privacy policies. bitnovo® is not responsible for said web pages.
    The function of the hyperlinks that appear on the Website is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other sources of information on the matter on the Internet, where they can expand the data offered on this Website. bitnovo® will not be in any way responsible for the result obtained through said hypertext links.


    bitnovo® may send commercial communications related to the products or services offered by bitnovo® or any of its collaborators to Users, provided that they have expressly and specifically consented to this by validating the box enabled for this purpose or through any manifestation of express consent.
    The User may at any time renounce receiving any type of commercial communication by sending an email to stating said intention to resign. Likewise, this possibility will be offered to the User in each commercial communication received via e-mail.

    4. COOKIES.

    As described in our Cookies Policy, we use cookies and similar technologies (for example, web beacons, pixels, ad tags and device identifiers) to recognize the User and / or his / her device / s in the different services. and devices. We also allow third parties to use cookies as described in our Cookie Policy. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools. The User may also block its activation from the beginning of navigation on the Website or the app so that bitnovo® does not use cookies or similar behavioral tracking technologies.

    5. MINORS.

    The services offered through the Website and the app are only available to persons of legal age. Therefore, those who do not comply with this condition must refrain from supplying personal information on the Website or in the app to be included in the bitnovo® databases.


    bitnovo® does not assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect use of the information provided through its internet pages. Likewise, and within the legal limits, it does not assume any responsibility for the lack of accuracy, integrity or updating of the data or information published on the Website or in the app.

    7. BRAND.

    bitnovo® is a trademark owned by PRESSBROKERS, S.L. registered in Spain with the number M3658597 and, therefore, protected in terms of its use by a third party other than its owner.