price of DAI

How to Buy
DAI DAI in Germany

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Buy DAI (DAI) in 3 steps

1. Sign up

Create your free account from the Bitnovo app or website. Your registration is unique and will allow you to operate from any device. Create your free account today!


2. Validate your account

Once your account is created, in order to buy and sell, you will need to quickly validate your identity through our optimized process.

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3. Buy DAI

Make your payment through bank transfer, credit/debit card, or with our vouchers in cash. After the purchase process is completed, we deposit your cryptos into your wallet.


Rating as of 12 Feb 2025


Dai is a stablecoin that maintains a 1:1 peg with the US dollar and is issued by MakerDAO, collateralized by Ethereum. A stablecoin is linked to a reserve asset, also known as a fiat currency. Its name 'stable' is due to the fact that, unlike other cryptocurrencies, its value will always be the same as the currency to which it is pegged. Dai is one of the most innovative proposals for stablecoins as it guarantees a high degree of decentralization. As a stablecoin, DAI is a great option for leveraging the benefits of transfers while avoiding the volatility of cryptocurrencies.

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Some important news about DAI

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Preguntas Frecuentes

¿Qué es DAI?

DAI es una criptomoneda conocida como 'stablecoin' que está diseñada para mantener su valor cercano al del dólar estadounidense (USD).

¿Cómo están respaldados los DAI?

DAI está respaldado por una variedad de activos criptográficos utilizados como garantía, como Ethereum (ETH). Estos activos son bloqueados en contratos inteligentes para respaldar el valor de DAI.

¿Cuál es el colateral de DAI?

El colateral de DAI puede ser Ethereum (ETH) u otros activos aceptados. Sin embargo, ETH es el colateral más comúnmente utilizado.

¿Cómo funciona DAI?

DAI mantiene su valor mediante contratos inteligentes. Los usuarios bloquean activos para crear DAI. Si su valor cae, se ajusta emitiendo o quemando DAI.

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