Sell cryptocurrencies through transfer

Selling cryptocurrencies through Bitnovo is very easy and secure. Furthermore, once you have completed the sale, you can withdraw the funds through SEPA or Instant SEPA transfer.

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Step by step

Sell your cryptocurrencies and send them safely through transfer

Rampa Bitnovo

Send us your crypto

We will provide you with an exclusive deposit address for that payment, where you must send the cryptocurrencies you want to sell.

We deposit your euros

As soon as we receive your cryptocurrencies, we will proceed to make a deposit in your Bitnovo balance for the amount of the sale.

Withdraw through Transfer

Now you just have to request the withdrawal of the amount you want to transfer from your balance. Remember that you can make the transfer through Instant SEPA.

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Why people trust Bitnovo

Operating since 2015

Almost nine years of experience in the sector back us up, along with over 125,000 users and 175,000 accumulated downloads.

Low fees

We have one of the lowest fees in the market, we don't say it, you can check it yourself.

24/7 Customer support

A team ready to help you and resolve any queries 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

Start selling cryptocurrencies through transfer

If you are ready to take the next step and want to sell crypto, do it now with Bitnovo!

Download our self-custody Wallet

Bitnovo is the simplest app to interact with cryptocurrencies, whether you are an experienced user or just starting out.